Every Nation Western Supercluster highlights: Connecting, Encouraging, and Advancing God’s Kingdom.
Hey there, partners! You might wonder, “What in the world is Every Nation Western Supercluster?” Well, get ready to dive into an exciting update!
Hey there, partners! You might wonder, “What in the world is Every Nation Western Supercluster?” Well, get ready to dive into an exciting update!
We are excited to update you on all that has happened in the last month at Mosaic Church Fort Worth. First and foremost, we want to thank you for your
The Brown family has been making waves in the Fort Worth community in our call and mission from God to plant Mosaic Church Fort Worth. From hosting community dinners to
Wow, what a year 2022 was for Every Nation! Across the globe, we witnessed the power of the Gospel of Jesus as we reached new campuses and planted new churches,
It was truly a remarkable week of miracles as we came together as a global family to pray and fast. We trust that God met each and every one of