From Austin to Fort Worth: Launching a New Chapter of Faith in 2023.

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Dear family and friends,

As we’re kicking off 2023, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the exciting journey that God has taken us on since completing the Every Nation Assessment Center and the Every Nation Boot Camp for Church Planters.

In February 2022, Mallary and I attended the first-ever US Spanish Pastors & Leaders meeting in Lewisville, Texas where we had the opportunity to meet potential families living in the Fort Worth, Texas area.

Why was it important to meet these families? Well, we’re glad you asked!

It wasn’t long after this trip in March that Mosaic Church Austin announced the exciting news of our family relocating to Fort Worth, Texas to launch the first, non-Austin location: Mosaic Church Fort Worth.

In May, we celebrated with a special stage moment and luncheon during Send-off Sunday with our Austin community — which included a cameo from the Brown kids delivering Mosaic In A Minute.

The first Interest Social Meeting was held in July, where 11 people expressed interest in making Mosaic Church Fort Worth’s vision a reality.

By the end of August, the Browns completed their move to Fort Worth and started building relationships in their new community through sports, school events, campus events at Texas Christian University (TCU), weekly dinners with neighbors, and by joining the Plant Fort Worth church planting residency.

In December, we received a miracle as three new families joined our community and God miraculously provided a venue to host a Christmas Eve Service.

2022 set the stage for what promises to be an exciting 2023. We will continue to grow our community through weekly prayer calls, community groups, Bible studies, Vision Nights, and social interest meetings.

We will also officially launch Mosaic Church Fort Worth in September with weekly gatherings, a student-led Bible study, and an official Every Nation campus ministry at TCU.

We are thrilled to have you journey with us as we embark on this adventure of sharing the love of Jesus and growing deeper in our relationship with God and others.

Your prayers, support, and generosity have been instrumental in helping us make disciples for Jesus and make a difference in the Fort Worth community and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support. Your prayers, financial contributions, sacrifices, and leadership in answering God’s call to make disciples of all nations have made an incredible difference.

We look forward to what God has in store for us in 2023!

Warm regards,
The Browns and Mosaic Church Fort Worth

Alvin & Mallary Brown 2021

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Together, let’s make this next year one to remember as we reach even more people with the message of hope and salvation through Jesus.

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