After living big in November, embodying unity in community just as the Holy Spirit empowered the early church of Acts, we focused on the final Mosaic core value of Mission.
We explored what the mission to live means and how we are called to God’s mission through His church to make disciples of Jesus—through the core values of worship, community, and mission in a multiethnic, multigenerational context.
And because we believe God calls us to put one foot in the community, and one foot on campus, we aimed our hearts to make a difference in our local schools.
Partnering with the Fort Worth ISD, we kicked off this season of Advent with expectant hearts of Jesus’ arrival and the mission to share the love of Jesus through what we call Project Christmas.
Watch this short video to learn more about how God’s empowering us to make a difference in the lives of teachers, students, and families who need it the most.
I’m beyond grateful to report that by God’s grace, Mosaic Church Fort Worth raised and gifted the Student & Experience Department of Fort Worth ISD with $1,000 of assorted gift cards.

What a great start to this season of Advent to embody the mission to live as God’s mission through His church. But that was not the only bright spot during December. We close the year with one of my favorite gatherings: Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
What a sacred moment we shared as a budding spiritual family as we discovered how God often works through the unexpected interruptions in our lives to offer the invitation to live as He intended for us to live—sharing the good news of Jesus with all of humanity—where we live, work, and play.
We capped off our time together singing a Christmas carol favorite, Silent Night, as we lit the final Advent candle, the Christ Child Candle, and held lit candles representing how from one light, came many lights and how from one life, the life of Jesus, many lives have come to find life in Him.

We pray that this season of Advent fills our hearts with Jesus’ hope, joy, peace, and love as it did for many that night in Bethlehem when the light of good news arrived in a darkening world lost in sin.

Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as we continue partnering in the mission to live, making disciples of Jesus.

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If you haven’t yet joined the team, we invite you to consider becoming a part of our partnership team.
Together, let’s make this next year one to remember as we reach even more people with the message of hope and salvation through Jesus.