School is back in session for Fort Worth ISD, as are the local campuses. Texas Christian University is coming back to life with familiar faces resurfacing and, all the more, many new faces to welcome among students, families, faculty, and staff.
One of the newest faces on campus this year is an answer to our prayers to God to provide us with fully-funded campus missionaries to reach students with the Gospel of Jesus.
Not only did God answer this prayer, as we continue to pray that he sends additional campus missionaries, but his provision for us comes through a familial connection of sorts.
This month, we welcomed Bria Lacour to the Mosaic Church Fort Worth family as our dedicated campus missionary.
We are grateful to God for blessing us in the sending and commissioning of Bria to Fort Worth. So, when you see Bria, welcome and encourage her to make disciples of Jesus—changing the campus, changing the world.
Please continue to partner with us and petition God in prayer for additional campus missionaries to be called and sent to our community and campuses in Fort Worth—Texas Christian University (TCU), Dallas Baptist University (DBU), Texas Wesleyan University (TWU), Tarrant County College (TCC), and Tarleton State University (TSU).
Let’s reach students with the Gospel of Jesus. When we reach one student, we reach a family and witness a legacy forever changed for the good and glory of God.
Tags: #campus missionary #Dallas Baptist University #ENC #every nation #every nation campus #EveryNationCampus #Fort Worth #Tarleton State University #Tarrant County College #TCC #TCU #Texas Christian University #Texas Wesleyan University #TexasChristianUniversity #TSU #TWu #TXWU #University of Texas at Arlington