52 Weeks in the Word: A Companion for Reading through the Bible in a Year

Have you ever thought about or desired to read the Bible in a year — and truly understand and apply it to your life?  Then no look no further than Trillia J. Newbell’s companion for reading through the Bible in a year: 52 Weeks in the Word.



Upon one’s first glance, scan, or read of the Bible, the Bible can be a challenging book to read let alone comprehend and understand its true meaning from cover to cover.  Biblical comprehension, literacy, and application are terms that likely make you weak in the knees — especially if you’ve tried to read the Bible, make sense of what you read, and all the more when you attempt to make it a part of your daily life.  Trillia J. Newbell hits the nail on the head by delivering 52 Weeks in the Word as a just-right-in-size reading plan with prayer prompts, built-in rest days (and catch-up days!), and guided instructions that allow you to begin this any time of the year.